Testimonials from Parent Survey
They have the freedom to explore and learn at their own pace, with support where needed.
Enjoys playing with his friends which he has already made in the village and loves the outdoor space
My child loves being at Pre-school and would go every day if possible
Staffing levels are a good ratio to children and they get to build a relationship with an individual key worker to build trust
He is developing well, has Independence and confidence.
We have been impressed with his development since he started. His speech has come on significantly and he is learning numbers, shapes etc
His sociability has improved and his speech
His language has developed lots, his interaction with other children outside of school has improved
Great guidance, encouragement and praise is given at all times
My daughter has learnt so much, she’s going to be more then ready to start big school in September.
My child has made great progress in all areas and is being well prepared for school
We can see from the work they bring home from noticing numbers, letters and words and how they're art work has improved so much
The teachers are approachable and are willing to have a chat about what he has been up to. All staff caring and kind
All teachers know all the children well, all their individual needs and preferences, and go out of their way to involve parents in the children's day at preschool
There are high standards for behaviour, how the children treat others etc, as a result the children are polite and well behaved. The teachers are polite to the children and as a result they receive the same in return (hopefully!!)
There is good organisation and discipline if needed. All children are treated equally.
The staff are consistent and always friendly and approachable.
The manager seems to be very organised and a strong leader. She is approachable, personable and comes across as someone who wants the children and nursery to succeed
Information provided regularly. All staff seem to be on the same page. Management is approachable and fair.
Always make time to discuss any issues and report back
Any concerns are quickly dealt with and looked at for solutions if needed.
Pre-school staff are always available to talk to with any concerns whether it's at the school gate, via email or by calling.
I’ve never felt worried to express my opinion or views and felt them always taken serious
Tapestry updates are so lovely to receive and give good indication of development
The online journal is constantly updated and I get feed back from most sessions on how my child has been.
Weekly updates via Tapestry are very valuable to me as are the messages and info passed on at collection and drop off
Good updates at pick up and on tapestry.
It excels in giving the children access to the outdoors, both in the garden and with Forest school.
So many things they excel at: fantastic with the children, listen to parents needs/concerns, very flexible to accommodate child’s/ parents requirements. Always friendly, welcoming and helpful.
The preschool is excellent at giving parent feedback on their children and great nurturing of all age groups of children.
My star reason for this pre school is definitely its staff. Lovely ladies. They love all the children, and all want the best for them all.
This is one of the best pre schools around
The Pre-school excels in retaining highly skilled caring staff who really understand our children.